Sign Made With Dungeons and Dragons Dice


Intro: Sign Made With Dungeons and Dragons Dice

Sign made of Dungeons and Dragon dice.

STEP 1: Place Dice on Wood and Attach

  1. Choose a word or words you would like to make.
  2. In this case, the company name "Hex & Co" was selected. Hex & Co is a role-playing game company here in NYC:
  3. Place dice in shape of letters before applying caulk to make sure they look good.
  4. It is visually better to put darker color dice on the ends of the letters to better demarcate the letters. The clear and lighter dice work better on the inside of the lines.
  5. A good height of the letters is 5 dice high.
  6. Width should be 3-4 dice wide.
  7. Place the adhesive caulk on the flat side of each dice and attach to the wood.

STEP 2: The "&" Symbol

  1. For the "&" symbol, a 34 mm D20 (called the "Rick Rolled" dice) was used.
  2. This is not necessary if a 34 mm D20 was not included. A standard D20 would be workable.
  3. "Rick will never give you up or let you down, regardless if you are rolling or 1s or 20s". 8-)

STEP 3: Finish the Letters

  1. Continue placing the dice first to form the letters.
  2. Use the adhesive caulk to carefully attach the dice.

STEP 4: Paint Background

  1. Using the dark blue paint, apply to wood to form background of letters.
  2. After the dark blue paint has dried, outline the letters in white paint to help them stand out better and to make it more readable.

STEP 5: Optional: Add Extra Dice to Corners

  1. If there are dice left over, add 1 die to each corner of the wood if there is room on the wood. This will help to make it a little fancier.