Simple Arduino Chess Clock


Intro: Simple Arduino Chess Clock

When I thought of doing a Chess Clock with Arduino, the goal was to build using simple programming without use class and work with the AVR register. The base used was Arduino Reference. The most difficult thing was to manipulate the timer using only the Arduino millis (). The idea is the project can be useful by the beginner students of the Arduino.

STEP 1: Features

  • Complete timer adjust using keypad to hour, minutes and seconds, of 1 sec up to 10 hours
  • Storage last adjust in eeprom
  • Time control by Sudden Death or Increment of up to 99 seg
  • Pause timer using any keypad key and release using game buttoon
  • Sound to check that game button was pressed and when game is over

STEP 2: Parts

  • Arduino Uno or any other
  • 2 Push button R13-502
  • Buzzer
  • For LCD shield board, can be used LCD Keypad Shield or DIY using:
    • LCD 16x2
    • 6 Tactile Push Button Switch
    • Universal Circuit Board
    • Row Pin Header

STEP 3: Circuit

The most complicated circuit is the LCD Keypad Shield, if this piece is bought ready the rest is so simple.

STEP 4: Files

STEP 5: Update - 2021 January

The diference in this new stand is that I used an Arduino Pro Mini instead Arduino Uno. As Pro Mini use the same Atmega 328 nothing was changed in code or electronics connections:

Arduino Stand Definitive Edition:


Nice!!! Great idea :)
Hey, does anyone know the ohms for the resistors?
Hi Junior. I uploaded the firmware on arduino Uno, and I'm using an LCD keypad shield, but i have no image on display. Seems no to work at all. What could be the issue? PD: I did not installed yet the push buttons (green ones) nor buzzer. Thanks
Hi!!! Maybe your shield have different pins to LCD, try get the datasheet of your LCD and compare with my schematics. If it is different you can easily change the code in line 77.
Ola Ronaldo. Ja resolvi o problema. Era como vc disse, pins diferentes. troquei 12, 11, 5, 4, 3 e 2 por 8,9,4,5,6 e 7 e resolvi o problema. Agora tenho outro problema: o backlight fica apagado. Como faço pra ele ficar ligado sempre? Obrigado. Pode escrever em portugues a resposta.
Tem um pino para o led do backlight também, é so descobrir e colocar no codigo o pino habilitado usando digitalWrite(). Eu como fiz a placa liguei o led direto no 5V com resistor.
Eu sei que é o pino 10, mas nao sei como botar isso dentro de seu sketch. Ja tentei de tudo, e tudo deu erro. E se nao da erro, nao funciona.
Agora to mais confuso ainda. alguns artigos dizem que nao devo usar o pin 10. Nossa senhora!
Se for mesmo o 10 basta colocar dentro do função setup do Arduino. Tipo:
Ou LOW se estiver conduzindo para terra, tem que funcionar.
Rode o blink como exemplo tentando piscar o backlight:
Thanks for this! I had the same problem with the backlight and sending 5V to pin 10 worked :)
Hi, Could you please provide some details on how you got around this ? I use a lcd keypad shield and tried all possible combinations with pinMode and digitalWrite, backlight always ends turning off. Tried to bend pin 10 out of the shield and put a jumper on it, then nothing appears on my screen. Many thanks in advance !
Hi!!! The problem is that each manufacturer build the lcd keypad with different pinouts, do you need check your datasheet lcd keypad and only change the line 77 of code.
Olá, boa noite!

Gostei muito do seu projeto do relógio de xadrez usando um Arduino Uno, gostaria de replicar ele, é uma ideia que já tenho há algum tempo.

Seu tutorial é muito bom, mas eu sou leigo e queria saber se tem como eu instalar os botões de fim de jogada mesmo comprando um LCD shield pronto. Caso não me tenha feito compreensível, só falar kk
Olá! Sim, é exatamente desta forma que está no circuito. Os botões do shield servem apenas para navegar no menu. Os de jogada são separados mesmo.
Mas é possível instalar esses botões de jogadas mesmo usando um shield?

Agradeço pela atenção!
Hey, I have a question to your Projekt.
I'm a total newbie and this is my first Projekt Overall. I bought the lcd finished and it's on his way but do I have to buy cabels or any other parts like diodes (shown in circuit)and connect them? There aren't any included in your Parts so I wasn't sure. If there are could u give me description of what to buy? Thank you!
Hello, I think that it is not a good choice o project if you haven't a knowledge of electronics. It is not only bought parts and wired everything, seriously, this will not work. Please search for someone next to you that have a electronics knowledge to help you with this project ;)
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