Introduction: Simple DIY PVC Pipe Bow

Do you want to make a simple PVC pipe bow that can be decorative, but also has decent firing capabilities? That's what this guide is for! It is rather simple to build and does not demand much in terms of materials and skill. Besides, it's a rather cheap build too.


  • Silver-Line Plastics 1/2-in x 5-ft 100-PSI CPVC Hot Cold Pipe
  • Genova 1/2-in dia 45-Degree Elbow CPVC
  • Fittings 3-Ply Poly Twine
  • Masking Tape

Step 1: Step One: Aligning the Pieces

Make a mark going along the center of the 5ft PVC pipe, and make one on the opposite end on the same side. Do the same with the angle pieces, going down on the same side. These will later be used to line up the twine when making the bowstring.

Step 2: Step Two: Cutting and Looping the String

Take the twine and cut it to be 5ft 10 in. Once you do that, loop about 5.5 inches of the twine through the angled PVC piece. Repeat the same process with the other end and the other angled piece.

You will need to use a small strip of masking tape to keep the end of the twine attached to the inside. Make sure that the looped twine is not stacked on the inside, but is instead beside the other loops.

Step 3: Step Three: Attaching the PVC Elbow to the Bow

Once you have the two pieces wrapped in the twine, firmly attach one of them to the end of the 5ft pipe. Make sure it aligns to the mark that was made previously. Repeat this to the other end as well.

Once done, you should have a bowstring with a length of 4ft 11.5 inches and the angled pieces should be pointing the same direction.

Step 4: Step 4: Marking the Bow Handle

Now that you have the bow built up, mark the middle of the bowstring and the bow. These will become the arrow rest and handle.

Once you have that, use a small strip of masking tape to wrap around the bowstring to act as an arrow rest. While the arrow rest is not fully necessary, I still recommend it as a marker for where the arrow should rest on (hence the name).

Step 5: Step 5: Making the Handle With Tape

After you add the arrow rest on the string, begin wrapping masking tape around the pipe. Make sure the beginning strip is at least 1/8 of an inch away from the marked line in the middle. This handle will be a mere place holder for where you wish to hold the bow from. As I am right-handed, I have wrapped the tape to the left of the mark.

Now your DIY PVC bow is all done, enjoy!

Arrows not included.