Simple Headphone Stand


Intro: Simple Headphone Stand

The headphone stand is a great and aesthetic way to organise your headphones. I wanted one for a while because I didn't like leaving my headphones just lying on the table. I looked them up online. There are so many of them some more beautiful than others. But for me, the issue was that these are expensive. So, why not make one myself? It's also a great way to recycle unused materials. Another good thing about making it yourself is that you can customise it in any way you want. I think all it needs to be is something that is T shape and base that could hold your headphones.

STEP 1: Dismantle Your Old Headphones and a Lamp

I dismantled both lamp and headphones with a screwdriver. No electronics are left in the parts (except a bit of cable in the lamp tube).

STEP 2: Stick the Lamp's Socket Ring to the Headband

First of all, I layed an old catalog on my working area and put on my safety gloves with a respirator. Then, I Mixed evenly my 2 part epoxy glue in a small container and applied it to the headband's center. After that, I stuck the socket ring on it. Lastly, I waited for 24 hours for it to be completely cured.

STEP 3: Screw the Ring on the Base

Now all is left is connecting the parts to make up the stand.

STEP 4: That's It!

It was a super simple project that is also very useful for keeping headphones tidy.


Good idea, thank you for sharing : )