Introduction: Simple Lemon Chicken (for Everyone, Even Robots)

Never had a bone in your body that could make anything? can you mess up cooking even the boxed things? well here is a simple recipe literally any one could make, (he he he he) even my husband.. best thing about this recipe there is only 4 ingredients one inst even needed.. sooo lets stop gabbing and get to work.. Thanks memorris027 for inviting me

- Thyme 
- Lemon Pepper Season
- Chicken Breast
- Lemon Juice *optional*

Step One
- Get all the ingredients out (obviously), preheat oven to 450 degree, then place the Chicken in a pan that is surrounded by Foil.

Step Two
- Take the Lemon Juice and pour a some on the top of the Chicken Breast .
*** If not doing the Lemon Juice jump to Step Three but add just enough water to cover the bottom of foiled cover pan***

Step Three
- Flip the Chicken over and moderately cover the bottom of the Breast with the Lemon Pepper and Thyme Seasoning. Repeat covering the top of Breast with both Seasonings.

Step Four
- When oven is fully heated, place the Chicken in the oven and wait bout 30-40 min, cut the fattest part of the Chicken to make sure its cooked fully (also could check the temperature to make sure its done properly).
***Optional: Take some juice from the Chicken pan and drizzel over the top of the Chicken Breast impacts flavor and presentation***

Your all done.. place Chicken on the plate and dress with a Veggie and Rice for sides and impress all your friends, or a special someone.. Now go enjoy that tasty Chicken and amaze everyone.. =)