Simple Minecraft Cottage


Intro: Simple Minecraft Cottage

An easy starter home for minecraft

STEP 1: Layout

Copy out the design make sure there spaced out 3x3

STEP 2: Hight

Build up on each wood block by 2

STEP 3: Joining Up

Add more wood to link all of the wood together

STEP 4: Flooring

Fill the floor up with oak wood

STEP 5: Door Way

Using a combo of oak wood planks and cobblestone fill in the front of the house leaving a gap for the door

STEP 6: Walls

Using the same design, fill the walls leaving a gap for windows

STEP 7: Fancy Roof Thing

Just copy the picture I can't explain this part

STEP 8: Roof Frame Complete

Like we did with the frame of the walls join up all the roof parts

STEP 9: Fancy Edge

Again just copy picture

STEP 10: Roof

Finally fill in the roof with oak wood and cobblestone stairs

STEP 11: Finishing Toutches

Add doors and windows

STEP 12: And...

DONE this was my 2nd instructable so tell me what you think bye


if you are trying to make a village with this build i recommend a command called /clone and what this command does if takes blocks clones them and places them in the area you want so you could get the top left coordinates and the bottom right coordinates as well as the coordinates of the place you want it to go and than you can start placing it all over the place than just build up the roads and than just a few other building like a work building or town hall (aka: your workplace as well as your mansion) and if you want to make a large neighborhood just make a house and clone it till you get bored put in lawns and roads and after a few hours of work you can have a small city after a few days of working on it you can have a major city to live in a few months you can make an entire state you just need a few working teleporters or a working multi destination train station and you can have an entire working building world if you want you can turn it into a server with your friends and start a working sever with you and your friends as the rulers after that do whatever you want make stores more houces shops a villager trading hall excetara
i love ur cool new ideas and stuff, evrything always turnz out bootyful and great,
thx for ur instructable bro.

That's a great way to build a roof. I'll definitely use that!

You earned a follow! Doesn't happen often, be proud of yourself mate, looking forward to new Instructables from u ^-^