Simple Solution to Short Sheets


Intro: Simple Solution to Short Sheets

Many people these days sleep with a doona/duvet and they don’t seem to mind how it twists up during the night, but some of us still like to sleep with a tucked-in sheet over us. So what could be more annoying than waking up in the night with your feet sticking out at the bottom of the bed sheet, and what seem like acres of cloth choking around your neck?

Here’s a quick, cheap and easy way to add an extra bit to the bottom of your sheet so it always stays tucked in!

STEP 1: What You Need

  • Flat sheet – the one that’s never quite long enough for your bed.
  • An old flat sheet, the same width (worn in the middle is fine, you’re just going to use the end) – or a piece of suitable material, about 45-50cm (18 inches) wide and as long as the width of your sheet. It doesn't have to be a perfect colour match, as it's going to be tucked in under your mattress. If you don’t have a suitable old sheet, you can usually find cheap sheets at your local op shop/Vinnies.
  • Scissors, thread, pins
  • Sewing machine (or needle and thread & lots of time & patience!)

STEP 2: Cut the 'extra' Strip

Cut a wide strip approx. 45-50cm (18-20 inches) off the end of the old sheet. Leave the hem intact. If you are using fabric, make sure your strip is wide enough to allow for a hem as well.

STEP 3: Line Up the Strip and the Bottom of the Sheet

a) Lay out the sheet, wrong side up, so the bottom end is flat and the hem is facing upwards.

b) Lay the strip along the inside of the hem, with the cut edge just touching the inside of the hem. The hem of the strip should be facing downwards (as you’re going to flip it over when you’ve sewn it on).

STEP 4: Fold Hem Over and Sew Together

a) Fold back the hem of the sheet over the cut edge of the strip, and pin together.

b) Sew together,

c) folding the ends in neatly if they’re not already hemmed (fold back twice and pin before sewing).

STEP 5: Hem Any Raw Edges

Hem the ends and/or sides of the strip if needed (fold over twice, pin and sew),

finishing the corners neatly.

STEP 6: Finished.

That’s it!

Open out, iron the seam if you like.

Now you have a lovely LONG sheet, with plenty of tuck-in room!


Great Instructable. When my sewing machine is fixed I'm going to make the mattress pockets on my bottom sheets, quilts, and duvets. I'm tired of waking up with my feet sticking out.
Thanks, Susitna... I hadn't thought of adding an extension to a duvet... I just use a larger duvet if I need one (but I usually use extra-large blankets). Good luck with getting your machine fixed; mine has finally died after over 40 years, so I have to bite the bullet and get a new one soon.