Simple Duct Tape Rose


Intro: Simple Duct Tape Rose

this is a simple easy duct tape project good for any group of boys

STEP 1: What You Need

You will need a roll of duct tape and a pocket knife

STEP 2: Laing the Duct Tape

You will need to lay 10 inches of tape

STEP 3: Cuting the Tape

Cut the tape every 2 inches

STEP 4: Folding

fold the top two corners down like making a paper plane and roll in to a tube

STEP 5: Repeat

Repeat step 4, but place the tube on the folded peice of duct tape.Repeat 5 more times

STEP 6: Finished

This is how I learned how to do it


hey i will mess around and see if i can make a stem and make it look better i will have more DiYs coming soon