Introduction: Simple Line Following Robot for Beginners
Line follower is a machine that can follow a path. The path can be visible like a blackline on a white surface (or vice-versa) or it can be invisible like a magnetic field-wikipedia.
1. Dc motors-2 (you can choose any rpm as per your wish)
2. Robot chasis-1 (i used plastic box for my economy)
3. IC (ULN2003A)-1 (here it acts as motor driver)
4. Sensors-2 (i used IR proximity module ,use can also use led and ldr module )
5. Battery-1 (i used 9v battery)
6. Connecting wires and a switch
Step 1: Sensor Module
There are 3 pins in sensor module we have to connect +5v pin to pin 9 of ic ,gnd pin to pin 8 of ic and output pin to pin 1 of ic for 1st sensor and 2nd sensor output pin to be connected to pin 2 of ic.i used ir proximity sensor module ,you can also use led and ldr module.the second circuit diagram is fpr led and ldr module
Step 2: Motor Connections
Connect positive terminal of 1st motor to pin 9 of ic so as the positive terminal of 2nd motor also ,then negative terminal of motor 1 to 15 th pin of ic and negative terminal of motor 2 to be connected to 16 th pin of ic.
Step 3: Power Supply
Connect positive end of 9v battery to pin 9 of ic and negative end to pin pin 8 of ic where we connected sensor gnd pins.that's all about the connections.THAT'S IT THE LINE FOLLOWER IS READY.make the track by marking black insulating tape in white chart so that whit reflect ir rays and black absorbs the rays.