SkateHub Blinkers for Skateboard


Intro: SkateHub Blinkers for Skateboard

"This instructable was created in fulfillment of the project requirement of the Makecourse at the University of South Florida ("

The Skate Hub is a functional blinker to indicate to oncoming pedestrians which way you are going just like a car. It is controlled through an arduino uno r3 that has a usb port instead of the standard printer cable. Most of this project is 3d printed, so you will also need access to a 3d printer. I will make all of the files accessible for download.

STEP 1: Step 1: Write Your Code

Step one of the process is to write the code and what it will do. Here is the following code I used:

Certain points to note:

The arrow image is made with binary to draw the arrow. The 1 means its on and the 0 means its off.

The Servos start at the downward position as soon as the arduino turns on.

The LCD will be able to print out each of the functions that is run from the remote.

The blinkers blink due to the for loop that repeats the on and off lights of the matrix.

The remote gets the signals based on the different buttons. As you can see, it is commented in a way so that you can tell which button is which.

STEP 2: Wiring

Wiring can get a little tricky here, I would recommend wiring the components outside the main frame and then putting them in after the fact.

The wiring will consist of the arduino uno and a breadboard power rail. To obtain a power rail, just rip the +- side of a small to medium sized breadboard.

1. From the arduino, run a jumper from the 5v to the positive rail of the breadboard, and then run a jumper from ground to negative on the breadboard

2. Lets start with the Servos: Servos have 3 wires. the brown wire is ground, the red wire is 5v and the orange is pin 7 for one blinker and 6 for the other.

3: The 8x8 matrix: VCC is connected to 5v, GND is connected to ground, DIN goes to pin 11, CLK goes to pin 9, and CS goes to pin10. After doing so, wire the other side of that 8x8 matrix to connect to the second 8x8 matrix. Make sure they are going into the same ports!

4: The LCD: VCC goes to 5v GND goes to ground, and connect SDA and SCL to the top most pins of the arduino that are labeled accordingly.

5: The power source comes from a standard power brick that is small in size I got mine from walmart.


STEP 3: Printing and Assembling

Print out all the parts that are in the folder:

All the pieces go together nicely, just super glue the LCD holder, print out the servo mounts and glue those into place as well.

Put all of the wiring components inside, glue the ir reciever to the top, and HAVE FUN SKATING!


Nice idea! Well done, and thank you for sharing :-)