Introduction: Skiing Survival Bag
This is a bag you should take if you are going skiing for a DAY it is for survival if you get turned around. Not for planned over night camping.
Step 1: Clothing
Pack layers not huge coats. Bring underwear then build up long sleeve shirt,sweatshirt,waterproof top layer. Then have gloves,hat,and a scarf. Have some kind of snowboots/ski boots. Something to protect your eyes from the snow. Snow goggles/sunglasses.
Step 2: Gear
Have the right survival gear if you get turned around.
Carry in your pack a knife, fire making products, flashlight/glow sticks, cordage, carabiners, paper/sharpie, survival blanket/s,signal mirror, duct tape, survival kit in a can, tin foil, candle, zip ties, peppermint candy, extra batteries, hand Warmers, trowel.
Step 3: First Aid Kit
You should always carry a basic first aid kit
I should add a ace bandage
Step 4: Carrying on Your Person
You should always carry these things on your person while skiing
Small tin Survival kit
Paracord braclet
Small flashlight
Step 5: Water/food
Always carry water. Snow can cause hypothermia if you eat it. Then a food bring something sustaining and filling.
Step 6: Gear
Skis,boots,HELMENT!!!,Goggles, Poles, and tissues always carry tissues skiing. Also a bag to carry everything in.