Smart Workbench


Intro: Smart Workbench

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Most grassroot Fablabs suffer from the same problems like lack of space, and lack of funds, this very same fact is what drove us towards thinking of a mulifunctional, affordable piece of furniture, that is also can be fabricated with the least amount of material waste.

The Smart Workbench works as a seating bench for two persons as well as a working table, a bookshelf, and also a generic shelf.

Storage: A group of Smart Workbenches can be easily stored without occupying much space. 

Multifunction: Can be used as a seating bench for two persons as well as a working table, a bookshelf, and also a generic shelf.

Modulation: Flexibily of using a group of Smart workbenches as a big one workbench.

Manufacturing: Easy to manufacture (by using a single sheet 1550mm x 1300mm of MDF/wood) with no material waste.

Materials: MDF 1.5 cm thikness, sheet size 1550mm x 1550mm, 1 sheet

Machining: CNC Router


So I see your photographed prototype is quite small. How are you suggesting people cut the full-sized sheet of MDF? Laser cutter? CNC Router? Can it be done by hand, say, with a jigsaw or bandsaw or...? Thanks!
oh..that part was missing...just added.