Smartify FRYEBO the Ikea Lamp


Intro: Smartify FRYEBO the Ikea Lamp

IKEA is very famous for its minimal design and simplicity. The FRYEBO lamp is a lovely object specifically designed to be usable, simple, and intuitive.

Following the same philosophy we decided to smartify this lamp adding a circle of 24 LEDs inside keeping the original light still in place.

The results is a powerful smart lamp that can be connected through the Internet notifying info and alerts when you pass close by.

The project is based on the VIPER IoT design suite that is composed of a Shield for Arduino and Spark and of a set of software that allows easy programming Arduino and similar boards in Python.

more info about VIPER here

STEP 1: Required Material

You need:

  • The FRYEBO Ikea Lamp
  • The Spark Core or Photon board (Arduino DUE can be also used)
  • An Adafruit Neopixel 24 LEDs ring
  • The VIPER Suite

STEP 2: Soldering the Adafruit Neopixel LED

just solder three wires of different colors on the Adafruit Vcc, GND and Input pins. Use colors that can be easy recognized and associated with the selected pins. Keep the cable long at least 40 cm.

STEP 3: Open the Lamp Top

Gently open the lamp top using a screwdriver or cutter to unlock the tiny pins of the plastic cone. be careful, the plastic is very soft and you could damage the lamp. this part will be visible at the end of the process.

Solder a wire on the LED+ pin of the original lamp board keeping it at least 40cm long.

STEP 4: Make the Lamp Touchable

The TOIShield include a touch button connection that convert any metallic surface in a capacitive button. We sensorized the internal part of the lamp top using aluminium foil connected to a wire.

Attach the wired foil to the lamp internal part using fast glue of double side tape

STEP 5: Start Closing the Lamp

Pass the wires through one of the original electronic board hole.

pass then the wire through the internal hole of the board holder.

tight the wires in order to allow the closure of the lamp

STEP 6: Close the Lamp and Pass the Cable

unscrew the neck from the top

pass the cable through the holes

and pass the cable through the lamp neck.

We have had problems passing all the cable through the neck so we suggest to cut at least one (two works better) of the original lamp cable to be used as wires guide.

Remember to add two wires more to your cable set before pull them through the neck. This will be used to replace the cut original cables

STEP 7: Programming the Spark Core or Arduino

With VIPER you can easily program Arduino, UDOO and Spark boards in Python. Info on VIPER here

First of all you have to Viperize your board uploading on it the VIPER Virtual Machine (see the video)

Open the VIPER IDE and load the two attached files (look how short is this VIPER code)

Click upload!

STEP 8: Test It!

Install the VIPER app and open it!

Power your lamp through the Arduino or Spark usb connector

Discover the VIPER devices connected to your network

Select the lamp.

Every time you press the button the lamp will randomly change the color.

You can start form this very simple example code to develop the behavior you prefer for your new smart mobile powered FRYEBO Lamp

If you want to know more about VIPER and about TOI Things on Internet visit


This looks so cool! That's a funky looking lamp but I like it!

Thanks! We are glad that you like it. New applications will come soon. In the meantime you can share and support the VIPER project on Kickstarter