Smashers Zombie Heads


Intro: Smashers Zombie Heads

These are Zombie heads made out of a 3x5 cards the you SMASH!. They are fun and easy to make and you can put them anywhere.

STEP 1: Make and SMASH!

Make a tube with the 3x5 card by hot gluing the ends together.

Let it cool and then....SMASH it down.

You can SMASH it quickly or slowly.

The open part will become the mouth. You will then need to use your imagination to decide where to place the eyes, ears and noses.

STEP 2: Paint Your Head

Paint your Zombie heads.

I suggest painting the inside of the mouth black.

I then used random colors to make them look Zombie like.

When they are dry you can add more Zombie effects with markers.

Paint a flat 3x5 card the same color as the Zombies for noses, ears and eyelids if you want.

STEP 3: Eyes, Eyelids, Teeth, and Noses

To make the eyes use a black marker or pen to draw the pupil.

Put hot glue over the pupil.

Then cut out your eyes and glue them on the Zombie.

Draw the teeth you want, leave a tab on the teeth so it can be glued inside the mouth

Make a nose by cutting a triangle and folding it down the middle. The glue it into place.

Make eyelids by cutting a half moon shapes and then glue over the eyes.

Make ears by cutting an oval-ish shape, and glue into place.


What you do with your Zombie Heads is up to you.....

Attach them to pencils, put them in a flower vase, make a wire stand or hook.

Stick them into your pumpkin attached to skewers.

Make them bigger, make them is up to you.

Note: The bigger Zombies were painted with watercolor...and the eyes are glass stones glued over the pupil.

Thanks for looking!


Thanks! I was thinking about making a cloth body...something that looks "zombie Like" and make a marionette.
These are really cool! Nice job!
Your dragon puppet is very cool...puppets are great fun!
Thank you! I love making things for Halloween!
I really like these. There are very creative, simple and make a great impression!
Thanks for sharing!