Snowman at Rest.....


Intro: Snowman at Rest.....

Well, not just any snowman would do!  I decided to make mine after my own image -- you know, sitting on the lawn furniture taking it easy......

We don't get a lot of snow where I live, but last winter was a great exception.  So, while the raw material was available, my wife and I decided we had to do something creative with it, and this is the result.

The tools and materials required were pretty simple:

Tools:        our hands!

Materials:  snow, a few berries from the yard, and a do-rag


Oh, so cute! He looks very relaxed. :P
Yes, he was indeed relaxed -- until it got above freezing the next day. Then he just sort of fell apart, so to speak...... Thanks for the comment!
Nice job!

Maybe a corncob pipe to complete the image?
I thought about a pipe, but the snowman and I gave up that sort of thing a long time ago. Thanks for the comment!