Soldering Station Voyager


Intro: Soldering Station Voyager

Well I saw a lot of fancy setups and some simple ones as well. I'm a novice, so I thought I'd share an idea of mine for those who may be pondering an interesting set up.

This is my first instructable, so it's quite a thrill to be sharing with you all.

Hope you find an easy solution to your setup.

All my parts came from around the house.


STEP 1: Components of the Voyager

This setup includes the following:

1-1x4 treated lumber @ 15"
1-mop sponge (home or grocery store)
6+ wood/machine screws (home)

Any large gauge wire or wire landscape staples (your choice)

Binder clips (your choice and quantity)

Metal strap to fasten down spring

Old spring cut @ 4" (or to your type of soldering gun)

STEP 2: Installation Points:

I used two screws to fasten down mop sponge
I tore/separated Brillo from sponge and laid flat, parallel to mop sponge and used two screws as well.

I then bored out a slight angle hole into wood to help give me angle for spring. If you find a hefty spring, it should slant for you, due to the spiral.

I attached the spring with two wood screws and appx. 2" strapping.

I saw a lot of neat ideas for the "third arm" but I didn't have any flexible type of tubing or alligator clips, so I used three landscaping wire staples to give me a way to support the wire via binder clips.

And it works well for a butane type of solderer. So I'm sure you have to adjust yours to accommodate the weight of your solderer.

STEP 3: Final Thoughts:

I used my stove for ventilation and lighting.

Of course you could find you a stove ventilation system and install in your workshop!

Thanks to all the other publishers for their posts. They helped me assess my needs to share this with you.



WOW! This is a great, simple, easy solution. Thanks to you, I just made mine and also glued down some emory cloth. I never thought of using the stove hood for ventilation. Thanks for the ideas. . . . . dave in austin, texas

I was working on a pair of auxiliary plugs. They're not connected.

...okay help me understand those exposed loose wires. You got me nervouse for what you might do to yourself.

Okay I understand the idea with using the stove as ventilation, but what will happen if you fail to realize the stove is on? You'd be better off using the hard counter top next to the stove...however you run into another you want lead sodder near your food supply?

Honestly I'm not trying to put you down but I find this set up a little scary and potentially hazardous to your health.

Here's some signs somebodies grandfather(s) drew.

I'm simply going to say do not use this set up for the time being try to do a little more research and then come back with the next verison here.