Introduction: Soundation Studio - How to Temporarily Rename Blue Channels
Tutorial By: Wally
Follow these steps to rename channels in the chrome studio.
Note: The names do not save
Step 1: Browser
Make Sure you're using Chrome, as you can only do this in the Chrome Studio.
Step 2: Renaming
First you must press " CRTL + Shift + i ",
Click the icon shown above,
Then click the text of the channel you want to rename. [it should get highlighted]
Example, if i wanted to rename then GM-2 channel i would click directly on the text "GM-2"
Step 3: Changing the Text
Change the text that says the instrument name. You can change it by double clicking it.
it should look something like this:
< span class="main-label">Simple Synth< /span >
< span class="main-label">Changed< /span >
Step 4: Done.
Unfortunately you cannot save the new names but, i may still help.
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