

Intro: Spam


STEP 1: Spam

Pink Pork Product.

STEP 2: Slice

Pink Pork Produce, eight slices per can, no more, no less.

STEP 3: Pan

For Spam, with oil. Heat medium.

STEP 4: Fry

Spam in pan.

STEP 5: Flip

Spam, in pan, after an interval.

STEP 6: Make It Healthy

Sponge Spam with paper towels.

STEP 7: Serve

On white bread.


My GMail filters this instructable. Then, I can't see it, sorry.
Tabasco Spam....*drool*
OMGWTF Ok think I'll have some tomarrow.
Vince Bognot loves this stuff.
Gaaa! Give it lots of stars, people! I accidentally clicked "worthless"! Sorry, Tool!
No, it doesnt matter. If you rate it 1, then 5, it will take the 5 because it is the most updated one.
At the time it didn't. I think it was a week or so before that bug was fixed.
I like spam, but only if edibel :P +3
You should be banned for spamming on instructables!
Now that I look at it, SPAM really does look like a paste...
Weird, idk if i should flag this for spam or not, cuz it is about spam literally
I like SPAM, but my g/f won't let me cook it in the house because she hates it.
I think this is spam. For some reason I was compelled by an unknown force to count the words. About (?) 46.
Of Course!!! It all Makes Sense Now!!!!!!
None of the ratings quite decribe spam's taste...
You forgot "shave the quarter-inch of yellow fat gunge from the outside of the Spam block".. or am I thinking of corned beef? Also, is there an opposite of "food porn"? Because I think that last image has to exemplify it in some way. Harshly lit white bread and fried spam... beautiful :) not even any HP sauce and a cup of builder's tea?
Hp sauce and corned beef sandwiches are great, spam not so much, though spam is better fried, corned beef is tasty grilled, especially because you can actually use a toaster on it's side to cook the corned beef.
Yes, you are thinking of corned beef.
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