Introduction: Spice Cabinet or Bulletin Board?

Take a medicine cabinet, mount it in your kitchen wall, and challenge people to find the Peanut Butter.

Step 1: Go Shopping!

(This is a quick and dirty write-up. If you want to do this and need help, post your questions and I'll respond.)

Get yourself a decent medicine cabinet with a nice finish (mine was about $30), a simple bulletin board (RoseArt - $5; must be large enough to fit over the mirror), and some cord/rope.

Step 2: Bad Luck? (Covering the Mirror)

Separate the cork board from its frame (I just used a saw) and then cut the cork board to fit over the mirror of your medicine cabinet. Note: Your cork board should already have its own backing, which you need.

Glue the cork board (with its backing) to the mirror (Gorilla Glue works well here -- what the heck is this stuff made of??) CLAMP IT, or weigh it down until it's dry.

If you have a gap between the cork board and the frame of the cabinet, run a line of the cord or rope and glue this down into the gap (I used a hot glue gun).

Step 3: Pick a Wall...

Now it's time to mount your cabinet. Find a spot in your kitchen and get to work (your medicine cabinet should come with some basic wall-mounting instructions). Mount the unit as you would in your bathroom.

Remember: "Measure twice, cut once!"

You'll need:
- A drywall saw
- A power screwdriver
- A drill
- A level, pencil, square, etc.

Step 4: Aren't You Done Yet?

Finish your installation...then check the cabinet's latch (I had to adjust mine slightly), which is usually a plate and a magnet, and fill!

I used mine to hold spices and the PB (I chose to stay away from liquids). The front is holding pictures, recipies, and the like.