Introduction: Spice Shelves From Scrap Wood
If you like to cook you will likely have an unruly spice cabinet. By using scrap wood and very little effort you can tame your spice supply.
Step 1: What to Do
Take your scrap wood--it could be as light as 3/8" plywood--and mark the size of your old shelf on it. Make the shelf into a blocky U shape. I made my shelves 2.5" wide. Cut it out with a hand saw, jig saw, or whatever you have handy.
Step 2: Smooth
Smooth out the edges with a sander. No need to scrape your hands accidentally when reaching for spices. Splinters from cooking related injuries will raise eyebrows.
Step 3: Before and After
Bam! Look at that! Easy to see what you've got and easy to get in and out. A big benefit is that you'll not be buying spices that you already have . . . but don't know that you have because they're hidden by the spices you use most often.
Go cook!