Spider Web Lacing


Intro: Spider Web Lacing

This is a tutorial on how to Spider Web Lace your shoes. from


STEP 1: String

Go under the pair of eyelets second to last.

STEP 2: String

String the left and right string down to the eyelets below.

STEP 3: String

String those strings up to the third eyelets crossing in the middle.

STEP 4: String

Take that string down, go through the loops made between eyelets 1 and 2 and put through the next set of eyelets.

STEP 5: Repeat

Repeat by going through the loops you made and stringing through the next set of eyelets.

STEP 6: Completeo


Will this work with boots?
works with all shoes that have 6-8-10 etc.
Very nice lacing design. I did it in my econ class :D
they look a little dirty. try this: https://www.instructables.com/id/9-Unusual-Uses-for-Toothpaste/step3/Unscuff-your-Air-Force-Ones-Murphy-Lee/
Works for converse shoes too!!!
this was fun to do and i gave some better look to my ES's !
 This looks cool, I'm going to try it on my pair of "Grandpa's Chair" Cons!