Introduction: Spruce Up Your Workspace! Desk DIY'S!
It gets a bit boring looking at the same desk every day with the same things on it.Thats why i have some desk DIY's that you can do to spruce up your workspace! Enjoy!
Pen Pot
Dog Tape Holder
Board rubber
Step 1: Pen Pot
A pen/pencil/random stationery pot can add a lot to a desk. It also makes it easier to get the supplies that you need faster.
Step 1
Take a cardboard toilet roll middle and press it down.
Step 2
Fold it so it looks like it has owl ears (the third picture.)
Step 3
Take some paper and cut it roughly to the hieght of the toilet roll.
Step 4
Apply glue to the paper and wrap it around the toilet roll. Cut off the exess ( fith photo.)
Step 5
Decorate as you like!
Step 2: Dog Tape Holder
This dog tape holder can hold all of your tapes so they are easy to access. It is also super cute!
Step 1
Take the middle of a toilet paper roll and cut it in half.
Step 2
Make 3 shapes, 2 body ones and one head.
Step 3
Draw a dog ( or any animal you like) on the head part. I 'tried' to draw a dog. Stick one of the body parts and the head part together like in the third photo.
Step 4
Attach the toilet roll half to the back of this structure and put the other body part on the other end so it looks like the fourth photo.
Step 5
Put tape in the holder.
Step 3: Pinperclip!
This is a very simple craft for those who want to hang something on a cork board but dont want to put a hole in the thing they are hanging (things like artwork for example)
All you have to do is take a pin and glue it to a paperclip like the photo above.You have now made a Pinperclip!
Step 4: Board Rubber
This is useful for wiping marks off a whiteboard, something that i nearly always use my hands for!
Step 1
Cut four rectangles of cardboard, two wider and two slimmer.
Step 2
Glue them together like the second photo.
Step 3
put a piece of felt or other fabric on the bottom and you are done!
Step 5:
I hope you liked some of these crafts! Thank you for reading this instructable!
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