Introduction: Stacking 3D Objects Using Transformation for MAT 594X Week 2

For this second week, I tried stacking cups on top of each other for using different transformation matrices. Cups of same size stack up differently whereas decreasing size of cups can make them fully fit inside the bigger cup. Following section gives more information on how to create such a stack transformation.

Step 1: Creating Basic Outline of Cup

Using "Curve" in Rhino, I created an outline of the cup in the front view of the window. The cup is then made using Revolve Surface (RevSurf), method of Grasshopper. I used the z-axis as the axis of rotation for the cup. This is how the basic cup is made.

Step 2: Creating Transformation

Now for creating the stack, I begin with a "Line" in Rhino. I use this line's starting and ending points as a reference to transform my cup to this line as an axis. Then using different values of starting and ending points, I stack up these cups along the z-axis. Each copy of the cup has a different z value, resulting in that view. Initially, the cups' edges were overlapping, so I had to modify the edges of the cup a bit so that they don't overlap. In the close up as you can see none of the cups are overlapping. Two different types of scaling are done. One which does not change the size of the cups, the other changes the size of the cups. The innermost cup is the thinnest, for the case of varying scale.

Step 3: Bake and Print

I then bake the cups into Rhino. I place them separately on the scene and export them onto a STL file. The file is then imported to Ultimaker Cura for printing preview. I reduced the quality to bring printing time to 10 hours for cups. The configured printer is Creality Ender 3D Pro.