Star Wars: Poe Dameron Helmet - How to DIY


Intro: Star Wars: Poe Dameron Helmet - How to DIY

Poe Dameron is one of the best characters in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Along with his slick black X-Wing Fighter, he wears his equally cool black X-Wing helmet!

With my guide through video I will show you how to make Poe's helmet on a budget.

STEP 1: Watch the Video!

Watch my video guiding you through the process to making your very own Poe Dameron X-Wing helmet.

It's short, easy to understand, and could help greatly!

SUBSCRIBE For More How To Guides: ThatJustinK YouTube Channel

STEP 2: Getting Started

Getting started with Poe's helmet is simple. You will need a bike helmet to build the overall shape using cut cardboard pieces.

Full Material List:

Round classic bike helmet


Safety goggles

Craft foam

Metal sheet

Tupperware lids

Duct tape

1/4 x 1/4 Washers


Black matte spray paint

Acrylic paint - Black, and silver

Paint pens - red, black, silver, and white

Sharpies - black, red, and yellow

Hot glue

STEP 3: Creating the Helmet Shape

To create the shape of the helmet you'll just need to draw and cut the shapes that make up Poe's helmet design.

Following reference photos is key to the success of this part.

STEP 4: The Lenses

The lenses of Poe's helmet are yellow, and most safety goggles aren't yellow, so my solution was to simply color in the safety goggles with yellow sharpie.

Which worked!

STEP 5: ...The Rest!

For the rest of the helmet's details watch the video! Makes explanation simpler, and more visual.

But here is the finished product once the tupperware, craft foam, and paint is applied.

Even better: It's wearable!

STEP 6: Conclusion

Once you've watched the video the steps are all fairly simple once the foundation and shape of the helmet is made. All up for artistic interpretation and freedom!

If you decide to make your own Poe helmet and have any questions leave a comment on YouTube or on Instructables. I'll be happy to answer!

And if you decide to make your own, post some photos here or send some photos to: and I'll feature it in my next DIY video!

May The Force Be With You!


Amazing. I could totally do this, repaint my bike, and ride in style.

Nicely done. Leave the straps on the helmet and you could be the coolest bicyclists ever.