Star Wars Pepakura AT-ST


Intro: Star Wars Pepakura AT-ST

This is a puzzle of the Star Wars AT-ST. As a gift or to decorate your room. It only took about five hours of patience and dedication.

STEP 1: Tools


liquid silicone glue

190 grams white paper



STEP 2: Prints

You need to print the 3 pdf files. I decided to use a 190 grams paper because it's strong, and you can paint it. Laser print please!!!

STEP 3: Let's Start

You must first carefully cut the pieces. I started cutting pieces of sheet 1 and immediately glue the pieces before starting the other one.

You should carefully fold the pieces as shown in the pictures.

Apply glue.

Do the same for each piece.

STEP 4: Sidepieces

You must glue 4 rectangles to each side piece.

And do the same for the upper door.

STEP 5: The Head

Glue all the pieces as you can see in the picture.

STEP 6: The Neck

You must make a hole to introduce the cylinder.

STEP 7: The Guns

With the needle make the 3 holes for the guns, and glue to the head.

STEP 8: Legs

The same for the legs.

STEP 9: The Feet

STEP 10: Painting

If you want you can paint it with a black pencil.


AT-AT?! No way! That sounds awesome.

One thing I would say for a thing like this is to try to make a step by step video. the reason I am saying this is because a lot of people can't understand the most basic instructions and have to have it shown to them. this will help you and the people who read you instructibles
Not gonna lie, these instructions kinda suck. I mean, in step 5 there are more pieces glued together in the picture than it said in any other step. Then it jumps to a completed body in step 6 without even walking you through it.
Maybe you should just stop being rude because he or she probably did their best to make this for us.

hello, i have a question, the parts b-4 and b-5, what are they for?

This is great!!!! Thank you!!

This looks amazing! Thank you for sharing.