Steampunk Book


Intro: Steampunk Book

The binding is Ethiopian double needle coptic stitch and scrap leather for the covers. The book block is made from old computer punch cards I got from the work Christmas party last December. I cut the back pieces out of different leather and the watch parts are from my stash.


Very cool. This would look good with some old dot matrix print outs (old green/white striped paper) or if you could find some old typed pages for 80 years ago.
Or if you bound the Bible:

The Steam Punk Bible that is. I do admire the progression, book inspiring, movement, inspiring decorated book. I think feistydonut has hit upon a well suited theme in the genre.

A few techniques I'd like to see employed would be:
Embossed, traced or branded mechanical patterns onto the leather.
Inset cutouts with a lower layer of patterns hinting at mysterious complexity.

I'm really seeing a plethora of possibilities with this. And I'm not a big fan of Steam Punk normally either. Though I did read the book, but that was before there was such a thing as Steam Punk. I prefer Gibson's sprawl mythos personally.

Very neat! I love this genre! so many possibilities!