Steampunk Makeover


Intro: Steampunk Makeover

Steampunk is a cross between Victorian-era and things engineered around steam. Here's how to do a steampunk makeover on yourself!

STEP 1: Accessories

Goggles are a MUST, I have aviator goggles, which are probably best. Also use metals and Victorian-era-type things.

STEP 2: Hair

You may want to remove any and all accessories for this. Brush your hair and put it in a Victorian-era-type hairstyle.Some good ideas are:

STEP 3: Skin/Makeup Prep

Apply any concealers or moisturizers that you would like to apply, and put on foundation. You can also use chapstick. I used Covergirl 710 Translucent Light foundation and an EOS chapstick.

STEP 4: Eyes

First, apply bronze shadow and add a light white or gold in the middle. You can blend it out a bit if you want. Add liner if you would like, you can do a wing if you want. (Sorry if my liner is a MESS, I'm not exactly the best at it.) Now add mascara or false lashes, I'm using mascara.

STEP 5: Blush

Brush it on the apples of your cheeks. I am using my e.l.f. blush and bronzing brush.

STEP 6: Lips

Apply red, and if you want, add ombré corners and/or gold glitter or shine. You can add gloss if you want.


Draw gears, bolts, and whatever you want. You can be creative with this part!

STEP 8: One Last Layer of SFX...

Add dust around the line of your goggles.


that's awesome!!!(: you go girl! and you'll get the hang of eyeliner! ;) great tutorial

I liked your article

you got featured! congrats :) you deserve it :)

The dust line around the goggles is amazing. I love all the gears too, I can't quite draw gears on a flat surface so well done for doing it on your own face. Thanks for sharing!

very good. I like them dust line around the googles it makes it look like you have been wearing them around the coal that fires the steam.

I like the gears your drew on. :D

This could totally be a Rage cosplay!