Stickmans Adventure


Intro: Stickmans Adventure

So this is an animation i made for my class. here is the steps i took in making this animation

Things you will need.

STEP 1: Step 1:

so first you want to come up with an idea. once you have yours you can start to draw it out. what i did was i started making squares on a big sheet of paper.

STEP 2: Step 2:

Ok for this step all you need to do is just draw what places you want your stick man to travel too. I just chose random places.

STEP 3: Step 3:

Now you can start to take pictures and make your animation but before I started I made someĀ  little extras that I added to my animation.

when you think you have every thing you want for your animation you cans start making it and remember its what you want it to be so have fun with it. :)


That's well executed, it flows nicely even at a low frame-rate (how many fps?) - how long did it take you?

thank you and it took me about 3 hours to draw up the hole idea then on a different day it took about 4 hours to make not including the breaks that I took.
Thanks, what is your frame-rate?
I'm asking because the whole process seems easier than I'd thought, such as I might have a go at it.

well the duration is 0.20 thats how fast you see each picture for and theres 306 pictures in total
It's 5 frames per second then, thanks.

The transitions from frame to frame are genious! Can't wait for episode 2.
haha your funny
I can't even imagine how much time it takes to create such creative game for children.
Your video had the editorial team at Instructables HQ in SF give it a standing ovation! Nice work! We love Stickman - what a life he's led.
Thank you so much. that really means a lot :)