Storage Cube Bed


Intro: Storage Cube Bed

I wanted to come up with a more practical way to store items in the bedroom, without losing what little room we already had.  I am also big into reusing items, and was able to recycle wooden shipping containers that were being thown away after one use, for this project.  This instructable can be built with minimal tools and skills.  I am a do-it-yourselfer with no carpentry training. 

NOTE:  This was made for a king size bed, and yeilded 16 storage cubes.

STEP 1: Materials and Tools.

Wooden boxes or other wood. Other materials needed were screws, felt, tacky glue, wood filler, wood shims, and fabric drawers.

Electric drill, drill bits, t square, rubber mallet, angle grinder/dremel tool,  and circular saw or jig saw.

STEP 2: Resizing Wooden Boxes

I disassembled the wooden boxes, and cut the wood to size. i also cut dividers from the recycled box lids. I then reassembled the boxes using wood screws, being sure to predrill as to not split the wood.

STEP 3: Filling, Priming, and Painting

Next fill in any extra screw holes with wood filler.  Let dry.  Lightly sand wood filler to make smooth.  Prime boxes and dividers with a paint primer .  This will ensure proper sealing of the wood and will help keep the wood from soaking up too much of the final paint.  Let dry overnight.

Now paint with final paint color.  I suggest at least two coats, allowing proper amount of time between coats.  Be sure to follow paint and primer manufacture directions.

STEP 4: Inserting Dividers

I allowed the paint to dry for a week to be sure it had "toughened" up.  Then place the dividers in the proper spaces to go between the Fabric drawers.  I actually placed the fabric drawers and then put the dividers in.  I pulled out a fabric drawer and then used wood shims to put beneath the dividers to be sure they were flush with the front.  Place fabric drawer back in and predrill the screw holes.  Next, fasten with screws.

STEP 5: Gluing Felt

Now cut the felt to put on the bottom of the boxes. This step may not be needed, but I wanted to help protect our wood floors.  Spread tacky glue thoroughly onto felt.  Flip felt over and press onto wood.  Follow manufacture instructions in regards to drying time.

Example pic was taken of unpainted middle support box. I didn't paint it because you can't see it.  Felt stuck awesome even on painted surfaces!

STEP 6: Disassembling Old Bed and Using Old Frame

I then disassembled the old bed.  I decided to use the old frame to keep the box springs and mattress from moving around.  Take the frame outside and use an angle grinder/dremel tool to disassemble frame if needed.

I then placed the boxes in the bedroom where needed.  Using the frame pieces with legs removed, I placed them on the outside edges of the boxes.  Secure these pieces to the boxes using wood srews and the holes already in frame.  If needed you could drill new ones.

Now you can place box springs onto boxes. 

Pic 1:  Boxes laid out
Pic 2:  One box spring placed on top, so you could see the placement of the old frame.

STEP 7: Placing Box Spring and Mattress

Now place the other boxspring onto the boxes.  Now the matttress can be put on top. 

STEP 8: Insert Storage Cubes

Now you may insert your fabric drawers.  There are a large assortment out there for purchase, or you can make your own if you look on


This idea would work really well if you've got lots of unused storage room under the bed. Customising the whole thing makes it a lot easier to retrieve items that you're keeping under there too!