Introduction: Studded Snow Boots for Kids (or Anyone)

About: I like to make functional beautiful things
This is a VERY simple project, and very affordable, in time and money.
The kid is slipping on the ice as we seem to get more rain then snow here in coastal Maine,I could buy crampons for her, but she already finds the snow boots bulky and awkward, so I prefer this method.
Just a handful of half inch metal screws with hex heads, some compound pliers, and a hex driver is all you need.
Cut the screws to whatever length won't go through the sole and screw them in.
Job done.
She is sleeping right now but I'll have her test them when she awakes and will edit this if they suck.

Step 1: Prep the Metal Screws

Cut the tips off short metal screws with pliers or whatever...

Step 2: Screw Then Into the Boots...