Introduction: Summer Fun Accessory DIY
Take 5 minutes to make an accessory to match your summer outfit.
- Fabric of desired texture and color
- Thread to match the fabric
- Sewing machine (needle and thread if doing by hand)
- Iron and ironing board
Step 1:
Measure and cut fabric.
Step 2: Fold and Iron
Fold fabric (wrong side out) on the long side and iron.
Step 3: Stitch
Start at the one end and stitch to the other side leaving bout one inch.
Step 4: Turn Inside Out and Finish Stitch
Using the one inch left open on one side, turn the fabric inside out.
Fold in the edges of the open side and stitch.
Step 5: Iron Final Product
Lay flat and iron.
Step 6: Accessorize!
You can wear this accessory to suit your style.