Sun Jar


Intro: Sun Jar

I saw the Sun Jar by Tobias Wong at Suck UK Design and thought it would be a perfect instructable project. Unfortunatly I'm no EE and need help with a wiring diagram and parts list. Hopefully we can come up with a design that is easily scalable so people can make different sized Sun Jars or vary it's brightness and battery life. So I guess this is a Instructable request stub hoping one of the gurus out there can fill in the details.


Although I like the idea of making projects yourself, Tobias is an Artist and Product Designer whose work is how he makes a living. I don't want to harp on the whole 'intellectual property rights' thing, but I think it needs to be said.
Give me a break. The kind of person who would take the time to build something like this is not the same kind of person who would ever have bought the item already made. Tobias' kids aren't going hungry because I posted this here. Besides, the item is out of stock anyway at their store. I was nice enough to give Tobias full credit for the idea. That's more then can be said for a lot of projects on this site.
Got any ideas on how to contact this Tobias feller so I can ask him if I can put an LED or two in a peanut butter jar?
Touché. I do applaud you for acklowledging the idea's source. I just think that there is a growing attitude of disrespect for those amongst us who come up with these great ideas. Some products take years to develop, then as soon as they're noticed by the mainstream, they're ripped off. I even heard of people showing product prototypes at tradeshows, and then having copies in production before the real thing. I know a few people building frosted jar lamps isn't going to hurt Tobias, but if this problem gets any worse, it's going to cause new product designers to reconsider putting so much effort into developing new stuff.
reply ing to an ancient comment, thread necromancy!

ideas are worth nothing in utero -- the only monetary reward you are guaranteed is that which you get from the market. this sounds cold, and it is, but there is no natural right to profit from ideas.
if you want to protect your idea, copyright it. copyright was a good idea, to give you a few years to make a profit from physical manufacture before other people would be allowed to compete with you in that arena. it's a limiting of the free market principle in return for a creative impetus which society as a whole is perceived to benefit from.
i doubt, however, that tobias' idea can be copyrighted. it is simply not that unique. and without the restriction of copyright we are free to be inspired and make our own, or make modifications thereof. it is not immoral for us to do so, nor do we have a moral obligation to purchase his version.
@wutwutwu: One word: Word!!

Personally I believe copyright is becoming a relic of the past....just think the whole idea of owning ideas is, well... not well suited for a future where we need to exchange ideas in order to inspire global development and a brighter future.

I do understand the need to ensure the original developer gets recognized and is able to get a decent return of investment for his work. 

Greed and fighting to maintain "ownership" of ideas is simply not the way forward as I see it... instead we ought to compete about developing the best version of the idea and come up with brilliant variations...

Thanks for the instructable.
great job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Thats rely
Or, use a plastic peanut butter jar with the inside sanded with fine sand paper.
The light can then be mounted through the lid complete with plastic lenz the light comes with.
A small piece of thin diffuser plastic cut to fit the inside of the jar can be found in craft stores for cheap.
Regarding adding a frosted effect, I think people are getting a little over-complicated in their processes, and some of the tools required are not readily available to everyone. Any decent craft store will carry Armor Etch, a chemical paste or bath that "eats" glass. You can apply stickers or tape to the glass, cut out shapes, whatever, then apply the Armor Etch to frost the glass. Or, if you have a Dremel or other rotary tool, you can etch out designs, pictures or silhouette shadow-casters to the glass using a diamond bit. Easiest way to follow a stencil in this fashion is to print off/draw your picture on paper, tape the paper inside container and then "trace" it from the outside. Good luck and have fun :)
Can the led be "softened" by spraying frosting spray on it or will it ruin the light
all you have to do is evenly sand the outside surface of the led
We needed a "think-tank" to figure out how to frost a jar and hook up a solar panel/battery to LEDs?
I'm struggling with the part where it charges automatically and turns on from a light detecting 'switch'.

The garden light option is alright but it would be cooler to do the whole thing from scratch.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Pummer circuit, solar beacon, BEAM solutions abound.
My daughter once made me a beautiful candle holder using a patterned tissue paper/glue.

The same principle would be applied here. Thin coat of Elmers glue, then simply take pieces of any plain or patterned tissue paper (that is used for gift wrapping not Kleenex) and a quick shot of an aerosol glaze over the top to seal it. 

You could use any color you wanted or even combine colors into a mosaic effect.  Cool instructable BTW!
anyone thought about spraying the OUTSIDE of the jar with glass frosting spray ? just wondering if that would work ???
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