Super Fruit Sushi


Intro: Super Fruit Sushi

Make some fun and healthy fruit sushi!

Ingredients: Banana, Grapefruit, Orange, Mango, Jicama, Honeydew or Kiwi, Cantaloupe, Chia Seeds, Honey, and Lemon/Lemon Juice

You will also need: Apple Corer OR Glue Stick Lid & Plastic Wrap

STEP 1: Nigiri: Rice

  1. Start by cutting a 0.25" thick slice of jicama.
  2. Then, take that piece and cut out a rectangle that is 2" by 0.5". Done.

STEP 2: Nigiri: Tamago

  1. Cut out a rectangular piece of mango. It should have the same dimensions as the jicama from the previous step.
  2. Cut the ends off at an angle (see picture).
  3. Place on top of jicama.
  4. Take a toothpick dipped in honey and draw a line down the center of the mango.
  5. Sprinkle some chia seeds on the honey.
  6. Use two toothpicks to move the seeds into a straight line.
  7. Do this down the side of the mango as well.

STEP 3: Nigiri: Ebi

  1. Cut out a rectangular piece of cantaloupe. It should be slightly longer than the jicama- with one end cut at an angle.
  2. Cut the corners off to give it a rounded look.
  3. Find the midpoint of the longest side and cut downward, at an angle until you reach the the bottom end of the angled side (see picture).
  4. To make the tail, take the piece you just cut off and cut a triangle out of it. Tuck the tail underneath the end of the body so that it is sticking out.
  5. Cut little valleys on the top of the body to give it texture.
    1. Cut down at an angle
    2. Then, cut straight down.
    3. Use the knife blade to remove the piece you just cut.
  6. Place everything on top of jicama and you're done.

STEP 4: ​Nigiri: Toro

  1. Take a slice of grapefruit and peel the membrane off.
  2. Cut it so that it is the same length as the jicama (2").
  3. Then, slice it diagonally.
  4. Place on top of jicama and you're done.

STEP 5: ​Rolls: Outside

  1. Slice the bananas into little rounds.
  2. Take an apple corer and remove the center part of the banana. If you don't have an apple corer, find some sort of cylindrical lid- like the one on a glue stick. To use it, just cover the inside with a piece of plastic wrap and push down on the center of the banana.
  3. Remove the peel and dip the banana into lemon juice (to prevent browning).
  4. Roll the outside of the banana in honey.
  5. Roll the banana in chia seeds.
  6. Cleanup by using a toothpick to move any seeds that may be on top to the sides.

STEP 6: ​Rolls: Inside

  1. Cut round pieces of kiwi (or honeydew) and cantaloupe to fill the center of the banana. If the pieces you make are not tall enough, take half of one of the banana pieces you just removed and put it back into the hole- then place the kiwi or cantaloupe on top of that.
  2. For the grapefruit, just keep pushing small pieces into the hole until it is full.
  3. Try different combinations of fruit to make colorful rolls. Just add the fruit in one piece at a time.


Finally made it :D had this instructable on my list for over 2 years now. Thanks for the great idea :D

This is awesome! I love them. :) I will do this for my son one of these days.

mmm....I love sushi, but I never tasted fruid sushi! Thanks

You should make some!

This is brilliantly clever, I love it! Thanks for sharing :)

These look so good!

Very lovely! What kind of knives are those? All printed and artsy...

The knives are "KAI Pure Komachi 2". They are high carbon stainless steel. I got my 6 piece set at Costco.

No Costco near me, so I just ordered the set from Amazon. I'm going to make a cloth knife holder roll-up and give to my daughter for her 16th birthday!

I got mine at Costco as well.

I'm making these for a work buffet, love the idea!

what a fantastic Instructable, thanks for sharing! I really like how you use jicama for the rice! so clever!

Thank you! At first I tried using banana, but decided to switch to jicama because it looked better and was easier to work with.

This is really great!! Well done! Best kind of sushi for Colorado!!

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