Surakarta/Roundabouts Tabletop Game


Intro: Surakarta/Roundabouts Tabletop Game

A fun, rare game called Surakarta or also known as Roundabouts. It is essentially a fun variation on checkers. Rules for the game can be found on several sources. This is an intructable on how to make your own beautiful tabletop set.

STEP 1: Laser Cut Everything

All necessary pieces to this set, gameboard, and container box are included in this step. The illustrator file only includes one piece and anyone who is making these pieces can make pieces of their own design. The recommended diameter of each game piece is 0.55 in. Simply open up Adobe illustrator or some program that can view and edit image files.

I used my university's laser cutter system which is a Universal Laser Systems pls6.150d and its included UCP program to cut and engrave my pieces.

STEP 2: Epoxy Resin Molds

Steps 2 through 4 are if one would like to create epoxy resin game pieces. Otherwise, skip to step 5.

Step 2 is to attach laser cut pieces to something like an acrylic plate or something that will be easily peeled off of a silicone. Then mix and pour silicone/rubber mixture over pieces.

I used the Alumilite super casting kit to create these molds.

STEP 3: The Making of Epoxy Resin Pieces

Remove acrylic plates and pieces and the molds should be ready to create epoxy resin pieces. After the removal of acrylic plates, two coats of mold release was sprayed onto the molds. Epoxy resin of a desired color is mixed and poured into the molds.

STEP 4: Processing Resin Pieces

Be careful when removing resin pieces from rubber molds as to not remove any material from the mold with the pieces. Some processing and material removal may be necessary after removing the resin pieces.

The molds that I created had some bubbles surrounding the individual pieces so the epoxy resin pieces have variations between pieces.

STEP 5: Finishing

Finally, lacquer is applied on all pieces to give a layer of waterproofing and added durability for each piece.

OPTIONAL: Felt can be bought at Walmart for 32 cents and used to line the bottom of the game board and pieces.