Suspended Box Lid


Intro: Suspended Box Lid

Whenever I make a wooden box I am looking for an easy way to fit a lid that will stay on my box. There are several traditional approaches, among them a rabbet in the lid, a slide-in lid, a hinged lid, or liners fitted inside the box. I will show you a novel way to make an attractive lid that will stay on your box. Let's call it the 'suspended lid'.

It's very easy to make with no special tools required.

If you are interested in another non-traditional approach to fitting a box lid check out my recent Instructable at:

A short video of the build:

STEP 1: Prepare the Box and Lid

Make a wooden box to your preferred dimensions and make sure the top is flat. To make a lid prepare a board that fits perfectly inside the box.

Now you cut four notches across the long side of the top of the box as shown in the pictures. I use a table saw and fence. Cut the notches to about 3/16” (5mm) deep by 3/16” (5mm) wide.

Many other arrangements and geometries for cutting the notches across the top are also possible, e.g. a cross, an X, two rails at an angle, a diamond, etc. Use your imagination.

STEP 2: Cut and Fit Two Wooden Strips

Cut two narrow strips of wood to fit snugly into the notches across the box. Use a contrasting wood as an accent to your box. The wooden strips will be visible on top of your lid, so pick some nice wood.

STEP 3: Make Temporary Spacer(s) to Fit Inside the Box

From scrap wood cut wooden spacer(s) to fit inside the box. The spacer(s) should be tall enough so that the lid, when inserted, is lifted just a little higher than the bottom of the notches. The spacer(s) will help when gluing the wood strips to the lid, and won't be needed after that.

STEP 4: Glue the Strips to the Lid

Insert the spacer(s) into the box, lay down the lid on the spacer(s), and insert the wood strips into the notches across the box. The wood strips will rest on the lid while held in position by the notches. Put some wood glue on the wood strips - only where they touch the lid. A weight will hold the wood strips in place while the glue dries. Just be sure you don’t glue the strips into the notches in the box!

STEP 5: Finish

After the glue dries remove the lid and use a saw to trim the ends of the wooden strips flush with the outside of the box. Sand, clean up, and finish your box with lid.

Now you have a lid that inserts perfectly and ‘hangs off’ the box rim without moving. The 'suspended lid'!

STEP 6: Finished Box and Lid

The wooden strips serve as the way to fix the lid in position; but also as a decorative element visible on the outside of the box. And best of all, they can be used as the handle to remove the lid. Form and function!

Of course you can add a handle of your own design.

STEP 7: Use Your Imagination to Try Different Arrangements

If you are willing to put a little more time into the project you can make more elaborate arrangements of the wooden strips to decorate and set your box lid.


I like your original design, but think its best that there is a central knob/handle to lift the lid (mainly to avoid twisting and hence damage). Looking at your other 'structables and your photos in comments, I really like your other ideas too. Cool !!!
Thanks for your encouragement! I did end up adding handles to the box lids, see attached image. It really helps!
These are brilliant ideas! I wish I saw these before I ran my box woodshop camp last week!!! Keeping this as a guide for future camps!
Thanks! Happy New Year!
How simple and beautiful! I volunteer in a 50+ woodshop and before Covid, I taught a box making class that was written by someone else. When we start classes again, this will be a perfect box ... a lot less involved for beginners than the class I was handed. Thanks so much for posting. It's brilliant and with some exotic wood, any box would be wonderful with this technique.
Thank you so much. I really think its easy to make and both decorative and functional. You may consider glueing a handle/knob to the lid to make it a little easier to remove. Using exotic wood would make it very attractive. I used pine just for the demo on my Instructable.
I just made another demo box/lid from pine/birch/walnut (still needs trimming/finishing), see attached pictures.
A slightly different yet also easy variation of box lids is this:
I don't know which one I like better :-)
If you make some boxes with lids like these please post some pictures here!