Sweep Servo Motor With Arduino Nano


Intro: Sweep Servo Motor With Arduino Nano

Hello friends.

In this instructable, i have shown how to sweep a servo motor with Arduino Nano.

Generally servo motor is used where is low speed but with a high torque is needed. this work can be done by a geared motor too.

But servo motors are different from geared motors, servo motors can read it position & can rotate to given degrees.

Tools we will need.

  • Arduino Nano
  • A servo motor.

First of all attach servo motor to Nano like in the image above.

  • The yellow wire is signal wire which will be attached to Nano's digital pin 9.
  • The red wire is positive wire which will be attached to 5V.
  • The black wire is negative wire & it will be connected to GND.

all the hardware work is done, now move to software part.

STEP 1: Uploading Code

Attach the USB cable to Nano And PC.

Open the Arduino IDE software.

Go to File > Examples > Servo > Sweep.

Upload it to Nano.

When uploading is done.

The servo motor will follow commands given by Nano.

  • It will rotate to 0 degree at first.
  • Then one by one degree it will rotate to 180.
  • When it will reach to 180 degree.
  • It will do same process reversely & process goes on until you remove the power or upload the new sketch.

If you have any question or suggestion, you can write me in the comment section below. ^_^


is it possible to start a dc motor befor the sterper start, i am very new in this how can I do this. tryin to make a ball laucher for my 2 sausage dogs :D
I want to add a switch to it any tips? it a 3 pin. id like it to be so when I push the button the servo moves I'm using Arduino nano as it's for a mask.
Arduino noob here. How do you control the nano to make the servo move. You got to use a pot or buttons physically connected to the nano to operate the servo.?

how can i control this servo motor by switch step by step forwade and backward

There are tutorials on how to control Arduino with a switch. If you would like a reference on how to do that, try this tutorial out and experiment with adding it to this servo project. https://www.arduino.cc/en/tutorial/switch
If the code isn't uploading to the Arduino, perhaps you haven't installed 'Servo.h' .

1. Download the library. I used GitHub. https://github.com/arduino-libraries/Servo
(click on 'Clone or download', then 'Download ZIP')
2. In Arduino IDE, go to Sketch -> Include Library -> Add .ZIP Library... and select the servo file from your downloads.

Hopefully the code will work after this.
It would save a lot of time if you had inserted the code instead of using a "screenshot". That way users could copy and paste the code to start testing quickly.
Also, it should be suggested that if the nano does not upload it could be that the wrong processor was chosen. There are two entries for Atmega328p, one has the added text "(Old Bootloader)". In my case I have to use the old bootloader variant.


How can i add a Pir and battry 9V?

why in my case the code is not uploading in Arduino nano??

The computer is not detecting Nano. What to do?

I want to use it to release a parachute in a bottle rocket project. How can I a countdown timer? Lets say 6 seconds after the battery connection to the arduino? Is there any ready timer for arduino?

Hey, I dont know, if you need it any more... You can do a delay of the time you want to wait before the servo code. This should be work.

Best wishes


thanks buddy, just realize after your comment.