Sweet Potato Casserole


Intro: Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet potato casserole is my favorite dish made during the holidays. This recipe was orginally from my aunt, who passed the recipe on to my mom. Every Thanksgiving and Christmas I always make sure my mom prepares this dish.

STEP 1: Ingredients

The ingredients include 6 raw, sliced sweet potatoes, 1 bag of marshmallows, 1 teaspoon cinammon, 1/2 cup brown sugar, 1 1/2 cup white sugar, a dash of nutmeg, a melted stick of butter, 2 teaspoons vanilla, and 1/4 cup of heavy whipping cream. You will also need a oven safe, cooking dish.

STEP 2: Step 1

First, you must boil the sweet potatoes in a pot of water. The sweet potatoes should become tender enough to put a fork through them easily.

STEP 3: Step 2

Next, drain the sweet potatoes in a drainer until all the excess water is drained.

STEP 4: Step 4

In the same pot that was used to boil the potatoes, combine the potatoes with the cinnamon, brown sugar, white sugar, nutmeg, butter, vanilla, and heavy whipping cream

STEP 5: Step 4

Using a hand held mixer, mix the ingredients together until they are thoroughly mixed. The mixture should be a smooth,orange texture.

STEP 6: Step 5

Next, pour the mixture into the cooking pan, and smooth the contents out with a spoon.

STEP 7: Step 6

Spread marshmallows over the top until it is completely covered. This will probably only take half of the bag.


Preheat the over to 350 degrees Farenheit. Place the potatoes in the oven for 25 minutes. The marshmallows should be turning brown on the top.

STEP 9: Enjoy!

After 25 minutes, you may take the dish out and allow it to cool. Use a spoon to serve and enjoy!


Thank you so much for sharing your recipes, I've never learn about cooking anything, but with your guidance, I am going to become an expert. I love your recipes.
there's no mention of eggs in the ingredients list yet there are three eggs in the pot?
In your ingredients you don't list EGGS, but in the #4 Photo I can at least 4 EGGS?? When & Where do they come into this Receipe? It looks and sounds likes it would be delicious. Let me know.
I'm sorry. It was a school project and I thought I had everything in there. But yes, it's 4 eggs mixed in with all the other ingredients. Sorry,
Yum! I still haven't tried sweet potato casserole. It sure looks tasty!