T-Shirt for Alzheimer Patients


Intro: T-Shirt for Alzheimer Patients

This is a project for Alzheimer patients using Arduino Uno. We would be creating a T-shirt that helps Alzheimer guardians. Since it is impossible to keep an eye on these patients, so we decided to create a tool to help these guardian! We thought of few situation that would be useful for the guardians or surrounding people such as patients being lost by walking out the door when home alone, or being around a hazardous area. 

STEP 1: What Do We Need?

We will need:

MQ Gas Sensor - http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/MQGasSensors

Arduino Uno R3 - http://www.adafruit.com/products/50

Adafruit Ultimate GPS Logger Shield - http://www.adafruit.com/products/1272 & https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-ultimate-gps-logger-shield

Bluefruit LE (Bluetooth Low Energy) - http://www.adafruit.com/products/1697 & https://learn.adafruit.com/getting-started-with-the-nrf8001-bluefruit-le-breakout

Shield Stacking Headers - http://www.adafruit.com/products/85

Breadboard - http://www.adafruit.com/product/64

Jumper Wires - http://www.adafruit.com/products/824 & http://www.adafruit.com/products/760

STEP 2: How to Wire

Connection from Arduino:
- Arduino +5V  --->  BB +
- Arduino Gnd --->  BB -
- Arduino analog1  --->  Gas Sensor AOUT
- Arduino digital 13 --->  Buzzer + (red wire)
- Arduino digital 11 --->  Yellow LED + (long side)
- Arduino digital 5  --->  Blue LED + (long side)

Other connections:
- BB +  --->  Gas Sensor AOC
- BB -   --->  Gas Sensor GND
- BB -   --->  Yellow LED - (short side)
- BB -   --->  BluebLED - (short side)
- BB -   ---> Buzzer - (black wire)

STEP 3: Soldering

After mapping out the wiring, you should:
First, place the Arduino GPS shield over your Arduino Uno and solder them.
* we soldered from on top of the shield, which was easier to solder then to solder them in between.
Second, solder all the pins to the Arduino shield!
* you could also solder the shield stacking headers to prevent any miss wiring. the connections are stable when connecting the pin on to the header; however, it could come off, so for solid connections, solder the wires. 

STEP 4: Programming

In the code file attached, we have few functions that would run without Bluetooth.
First, we have the gps that constantly collects data, which can be check on the serial monitor in Arduino program. While running the GPS, we would have the blue and yellow LED blink alternatively to grab attention for surrounding people. (*use resistors for red LED. Red and Blue LED will be more ideal since it symbolizes the police, which alerts us that one is in trouble.) 
Second, we have the gas sensor and a buzzer to alert the people around the patient that he or she is near a harmful gas. We set the value of the buzzer to buzz when the gas sensor hits 400. Normal condition, the value should record less then a 100, so such value can be controlled depending on the outcome out you desire. 

STEP 5: Installing on Shirt

To hold the whole Arduino and the breadboard, we attached them in to a open ended box by the shoulder. it is designed so we could put our arm through the box, and the arduino will be covered with cushion like materiel. 
Before we start installing our arduino to the shirt, we wanted to make sure all the components are available to where they need to go. So we connected few wires so our LED could reach the collar of the shirt. The shirt was designed with a button on the collar, so we placed our LEDs out of the collar and button up the collar.
We also made a hole for the gas sensor to face out. (*this isn't a necessary move since the gas can come through the shirt. However, for the purpose of this project, we wanted to show where it was located) 
For the GPS sensor, we had to point the antenna up in the air, so we created a tube that points up the sky from the shoulder of the shirt. (*in the future, we could connect an external antenna, which would be easier to navigate.)

STEP 6: Testing and Result!

Now you have your Alzheimer shirt! You have your gas sensor with buzzer,GPS with LED, all working in this one shirt. We tried to apply Bluetooth sensor to our shirt; however, unfortunately, we burnt our Bluetooth. With the Bluetooth, we can switch the LED and GPS sensor on/off so basically we can activate them in our needs,  saving up some space in the SD memory card. For more information about our instructable Alzheimer shirt, visits our website: http://choisongi400final.wordpress.com/
You are now done with the project! Thank you for your attention. 


My mq2 also has a DOUT connection. Is that required ?

The first photo is brilliant! - made my day. As for the idea. It is an excellent idea. I do not have Alzheimer (yet), but I have already started to lose my sense of smell and this would benefit others like me.