in this tutorial, I am showing how to build a touch sensing plant using Arduino
that is when you touch the plant the colour changes.
first, watch this video
Step 1: Things Needed
- Arduino (I am using Arduino UNO)
- 1 megaohm resistor
- 3*LEDs( chosen your colours)
Step 2: Circuit Diagram
I made circuit diagram using fritzing software
Step 3: Connections
first, connect 1 megaohm resistor between pin 2 and 4 of Arduino
then attach the touch line to pin 4 also connect the other end to your plant now connect 3 LEDs(different colours) to pin5,6,7 if you are using RGB LED then connect the common ground to ground and connect other pins to Arduino digital pin 5,6,7
Step 4: Library
this project works base on the change in capacitance so we are using capacitivesensor.h library
download library from here
Step 5: Arduino Code
Step 6: Happy Making
connect Arduino and plant with some good conducting wire like copper and also use good plants I mean water-rich plants like magic bamboo, water Lilly
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