Introduction: Table Jacket

About: As a former carpenter and local citizen, I'm now the first Building Maintenance Technician of the Waag building in Amsterdam. An old building (the oldest worldly building in Amsterdam) and monument as the Waag…
This table cover will transform any small table into a strong big table. The cover works as a camouflage. You can use any type of wood. For our table we have used OSB.

Step 1: Measurements

Use these measurements for a generic table Jacket. Most tables will fit in this wooden jacket, though make sure you measure your own table before you start using these drawings.

Step 2: Use a Tablesaw for All the Pieces.

Measure twice before using the saw!

Step 3: First Carpentry

Use nails to put together the jacket for the table-legs and the tabletop.

Step 4: Connecting the Pieces

Use corner pieces to make a rigid connection.

Step 5: Putting Together the Pieces

Get any standard straight-legged table and start with the leg jackets.

Step 6: ET VOILA!

We've turned this tiny table into a monster table!