Introduction: TabletCar Toyota

About: Follow me on Instagram for random stuff: @wlisesr

Turn it your Tablet (Asus - Nexus 7 2012) into the best Stereo out there ever seen.

Note: This tutorial is based on a Toyota Corolla, but may be applied to another car, just need to adapt the requirements and installation process.

See the final results here:

Part 1

Part 2

Sorry for missing steps, see the video for final results.

Step 1: Requirements

Step 2: Setting the Tablet Part 1

First of all, we need:

The tablet it self

An Arduino (ATmega: Nano or UNO)

Step 3: Identifying the Power Steering Cables

In this case, we need to know the cables to control our tablet through the Arduino. I install it in my Toyota Corolla 2010 type-s, but it does not matter the car model, all major cars has this three cables to control the stereo based on resistance