Introduction: Tasmota Compile Build and Flashing

About: An Open Source, Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) Enthusiast

To successfully complete this process following are required:

  1. An MS Windows PC/Laptop with sufficient resources (CPU, RAM, and HDD Space) - Compatible with VMware Workstation
  2. VMware Workstation
  3. Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 ISO file

Step 1: Creation of a VM That Hosts "Ubuntu 18.04" VM

Please take help from the screenshots to create the required VM. This process is very simple and I did not feel like a step-by-step instruction is required to explain it.

Step 2: Creation of a "Ubuntu 18.04" VM

Similar to the previous step, please take the necessary help from the screenshots to create the required VM. This process is also very simple and I am skipping the step-by-step instructions.

The screenshots not only contain the OS installation, but also the first-time loin and the initial welcome screen any user expects.

Reader of this document can make necessary configurations as he/she needs in different sections.

Step 3: Network and Open-SSH Configuration

This section explains the simple steps of configuring a machine to fetch an IP address from a DHCP Server (My Wireless Router) and the installation commands to have OpenSSH-server installed on the VM (This will help us connect the VM via tools such as PuTTY.

Step 4: Installation of Esptool, Access GIT Repo, and Test Build.

Readers of this article can take help from the screenshots and install esptool, access Tasmota Repository and test build the downloaded repo.

Following is the list of commands that the reader can take help from to have the sequence of steps explained in this article.

  1. sudo systemctl stop NetworkManager.service
  2. sudo systemctl disable NetworkManager.service
  3. ip addr
  4. sudo cp /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml.bak
  5. sudo vi /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml
  6. sudo netplan apply
  7. sudo apt install openssh-server -y
  8. sudo systemctl status ssh
  9. sudo systemctl enable ssh
  10. sudo systemctl enable ssh
  11. sudo ufw allow ssh sudo apt install esptool -y
  12. sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/usb-storage
  13. sudo init 6
  14. sudo dmesg | grep FTDI
  15. sudo dmesg | grep USB
  16. wget -O
  17. sudo apt-get install python3-venv -y
  18. sudo python3
  19. sudo apt install git -y
  20. sudo git clone
  21. cd Tasmota
  22. sudo /home/smaragdine/.platformio/penv/bin/platformio run -e tasmota32-lvgl
  23. sudo /home/smaragdine/.platformio/penv/bin/platformio run -e tasmota32-lvgl --target upload --upload-port /dev/ttyUSB0

Readers are also suggested to write back to in case of any queries. I wish to include the configurations of different modules that can be integrated with ESP8266 & ESP32 Microcontrollers.

I wish to post my future works here, hence I would request those interested to keap a close watch on the future articles.