Test Your Material to Determine Laser Speed and Power Settings


Intro: Test Your Material to Determine Laser Speed and Power Settings

In this Instructable we will use a test file to find out how the laser works with your material when it is cutting and engraving at different speed and power settings. We'll do this before we run our main project file so that we can optimize for the desired effect we want and minimize the time it takes to laser your project (and therefore the cost of it).

STEP 1: Understanding Speed, Power, and Time

The laser machine has two variables we can play with: Speed, and Power. We want to play with these variables in order to minimize the time it takes to complete our project while still getting quality results. We want to minimize the time it takes because time = money. Literally, you are paying per minute of use of the laser, so let's make it go as fast as we can! Depending on if we are cutting or engraving, we'll optimize in different ways. But first, some definitions:

Speed is how quickly or slowly the laser nozzle will move around in the X and Y directions. Obviously the faster it moves, the less time it will take for your project to complete. Less time = less cost.

Power is how powerfully the laser fires regardless of speed. The more power, the darker and deeper your engravings will be and the thicker the materials we'll be able to cut through. If we increase our power, we can also increase our cutting speed without fear of not cutting through all the way. With an increase in speed, the less time it will take to finish your project and less time = less cost.

STEP 2: Run Our Test File

Out test file is always loaded on the laser machine and titled MatTest. Run it by:

  1. Loading your material and setting the Z and origin
  2. Load the file (File > MatTest > Enter)
  3. Then press Frame
  4. If it looks good, press Start!

STEP 3: Optimizing Our Settings

For Engraving

Our goal with engraving is to go as fast as possible while achieving the desired darkness we want. Our optimal settings for engraving are therefore maximum speed (200 mm/s), and whatever power level (darkness) you want for your project.

Our test file engraves a series of squares, all at a speed of 200 mm/s, and varying power levels all the way up to the maximum allowed power of 85. Find the square that you like the most and use those settings! Note: you can use a power setting in between the levels we provided if you want a middle-ground darkness.

For Cutting

Our goal with cutting is also to go as fast as possible. However, if we go at full speed and full power, we very likely will not be able to cut all the way through our material unless we're cutting paper. So we need to turn down the speed a bit to ensure we get through our material.

Our test file attempts to cut out a series of squares, all at the maximum allowed power of 85, and at different speeds. Depending on your material and its thickness, some of the squares might not cut all the way through because it was going too fast. So you want to select the square that cut out all the way through at the fastest speed. Note: Some squares will look like they cut through, and you'll be tempted to push them out gently when you take your test block out. Don't do this. If you have to push out a square, it was going to fast and you will get bad results. You want your squares to cleanly fall out under their own weight when you pull out the block. Even if a square falls through, you may want to go slightly (10-20%) slower than that speed setting to absolutely ensure your pieces fall out during your real project.

STEP 4: Help Us Build a Materials Test Library

When you're done with your test block, add a label of the material type and thickness to the back of the block. Then place the block in our bin so others may learn from it!


Where is the MatTest file? All I can find is the PDF instructions.
Just wondering how I can download the matters.svg file as this would help a beginner massively?
This would be useful if the .svg was posted. Otherwise not very much.
hello, this looks very nice this part. but has someone a link to the file of that template to use?
Not much help to anyone if you don't share the file but it's pretty to look at
Anyone know where i can find a chart with speeds and power and thickness of material mostly Acrylic ?

Is the MatTest file open source? I'm looking for a test file I can use on my own machine


it was mentioned that "speed of 200 mm/s, and varying power levels all the way up to the maximum allowed power of 85"

are those limit for speed and power is because of the machine performance limit these parameters? what will happened if we exceed those limits?

Just to clarify, when you say max power of 85, do you refer to percent or watts?

HIya! We have a 100 watt laser so 85% also means 85 watts. Thanks!

Awesome idea! Would you guys mind posting the file? I'd like to run a few tests with my laser cutter

Why do all test cuts use max power of 85, instead of varying power?

I'd think that with some materials (and especially thicker materials), one might want to test cutting at reduced power and reduced speed too, in order to ensure that the back (furthest from the laser) and front surface are both cut cleanly with minimal scorching.