Text to Speech Batch Program


Intro: Text to Speech Batch Program

As I promised earlier, I have made this instructable. This is part of a set of instructables I am making that focuses around one of the original features in my Mega_Menu V 2.4 batch program. I have one other, previously made instructable on my address book program which you can find here

This program has one major function only, making your computer "speak" whatever you write in the program. This is accomplished by creating a separate (temporary) VBs file that makes SAPI speak whatever you write. This file is deleted afterwards. 

Onto the code:

Note: I made a mistake, don't use underscores, use hyphens. I have corrected this.


@echo off
title Text to Speech Conversion
color 0a

rem The user decides what to convert here
echo What do you want the computer to convert into speech?
set /p text=

rem Making the temp file
set num=%random%
if exist temp%num%.vbs goto num
echo ' > "temp%num%.vbs"
echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "temp%num%.vbs"
echo speech.speak "%text%" >> "temp%num%.vbs"
start temp%num%.vbs
del temp%num%.vbs
goto input

If you do not want the screen to close for no reason, I suggest you follow the tip given and don't use spaces; use hyphens (-) instead.


That's it. I don't know why I added this last step, but all the cool-kids are doing it nowadays. Have fun?

P.S It said I needed more photos, so I gave Instructables a cheetah.


So underneath the set /p text=
I put if %text% == exit goto 1
so if you type exit it will take you to :1
But for some reason this made it so if you type multiple words (like "hey there") It crashes. But if you type one word (like "hey") it works fine. Do you know what's going on?
can you please explain this programme
how can i add the whisper function to this?
Awesome PP, just changed your code so that it takes multiple lines of input. Best thing is since the "SAPI.spVoice" pauses just after it finishes, at the end of each line there is a slight pause.

@echo off
title Text to Speech Conversion
color 0a

rem The user decides what to convert here
echo What do you want the computer to convert into speech?

rem Making the temp file
set num=%random%
if exist temp%num%.vbs goto num
echo ' > "temp%num%.vbs"
echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "temp%num%.vbs"

rem Taking Input
set text=
set /p text=
if not "%text%"=="" (
echo speech.speak "%text%" >> "temp%num%.vbs"
goto :input

start temp%num%.vbs
Pause Echo Speaking . . .
del temp%num%.vbs
goto start

Just wondering do you know of any other auto-voicing programs installed by default in a windows computor?
Found error: 3rd Last line -
Pause |Echo Speaking . . .
Thanks for your help, and no. There are no pre-installed auto-voicing programs on Windows that I know of, but I'm sure there's some free or open-source programs for download.

Remove "|Echo Speaking . . ."

I think that will work

I am currently working on a tiny bot and want to add ur TTS code..i did that and its not working ..can u tell me what i did wrong?..im new to this..!

this is my code:


@echo off

mode 1000

if not exist data.txt echo.>data.txt

echo HI!..I am BabyBot.I am a tiny AI bot.Please teach me how to interact with humans!



echo Press any key if you are interested in helping me!

pause > nul





set "name="


if not defined NAME goto getName


set /p text= HI

rem Making the temp file


set num=%random%

if exist temp%num%.vbs goto num

echo ' > "temp%num%.vbs"

echo set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice") >> "temp%num%.vbs"

echo speech.speak "%text%" >> "temp%num%.vbs"

start temp%num%.vbs

pause >nul

del temp%num%.vbs



set /p text="Ask me something %name% : "

for /f "tokens=1,* delims=@" %%i in (data.txt) do (

if /i "%text%"=="%%i" (

echo *** %%j

goto begin



echo --- I don't know that.

set /p answer=--- What would be a good answer to '%text%'?

echo %text%@%answer%>>data.txt

echo --- thank you

goto begin


thank you for all the tutorials btw

i need help

which coding language is used here. please tell me how to use this code so that it may convert text to speech

Can we change the language.. I need Korean!!

Do something like:

set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice")

speech.speak "Some--Text--Here"

set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice")

speech.speak "Are--We--Clear"

And save as .vbs

Intead of adding the lines into .bat

call the .vbs from .bat

Note:Additional Information

Voice1 starts in sequence line while Voice2 and Text2 starts at the same time by adding the start command.

@echo off


start Voice2

start Text1

I hope it Helps

mediageneric. ,

I really don't know what is your reluctance to help me .

What I really, really, really, want to know is

given this *.vbs :

set speech = Wscript.CreateObject("SAPI.spVoice")

speech.speak "hello"

How can I get it to 'instead' , to read "hello" in from a *.txt file ?

I have Googled all over the internet , stackexchange , etc..

They are all 'how to read into a variable ' or something other than what I need .

Pls, What is the syntax for input into the 'speech.speak' command ? :

speech.speak C:\hello.txt

If you don't know , please say so .

Then I'll look else where .


Hi mediageneric. ,

How can I get your tts script to accept input from a .txt file ?


Hello & Thanks ,

Pls , how can I get code to speak a *.txt file ?


Can I add additional text that will open a file on my computer when you run this script? For instance the script says welcome to chr kiosk and then open the program file....

how to create delay For Ex: if we enter "23 45" and it is speaking without some gap to here clearly
how to make it delay for word to word

This is so funny to play around with.

I'm trying to add this to a batch file that acts sorta like a siri for desktop, and when i put it in this script it tells me: Can not find script file "C:\Users\...\Desktop\temp20004.vbs" What does this mean.

*Please note that this script did work by itself in its own program.

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