Thai Iced Coffee


Intro: Thai Iced Coffee

If you've ever been to a Thai restaurant, then you may have had this amazing coffee at some point. I don't know the exact coffee they use (I'm using McCafe Premium Roast, mainly due to the fact that is what I have on hand), but this is my attempt to make some.

STEP 1: What You Will Need

1. Coffee Maker

2. Coffee

3. Pitcher

4. Measuring spoon (not pictured)

5. Mixing spoon

6. Ground cardamom

7. Sweetened condensed milk

STEP 2: Making Coffeeeeee

The first step is pretty obvious. Fill up coffee pot with water (I use a 12 cup cuisinart), add water to coffee maker, add coffee to filter (I used 6 TBSP of coffee to 12 cups of water, because this has to be strong so that the ice doesn't dilute it) and brewed at the normal time it takes a coffee maker to work.

STEP 3: The Add-ins

After the coffee is done brewing, add 1 TBSP of ground cardamom to the pitcher (The pitcher I'm using holds 12 cups of coffee. This amount is based on amount of coffee used). Add the coffee to the pitcher and stir.

Next, open up the can of sweetened condensed milk with a can opener (or a rock, or skil saw, or whatever you use to open cans with. My can opening rock is in the shop at the moment) and add to coffee and stir.

STEP 4: Voila!

After it's all mixed, just put it in the fridge and then enjoy over ice.


How much sweetened condensed milk do you use

I really like these too :) Although my favorite when I lived in Bangkok was the chrysanthemum drink the street vendors always had.

I would love to have the actual Thai experience (in Thailand) but I'm pretty limited financially. I'm just glad I can explore other countries/cultures through things like food, beer, movies, comics, etc

It was a mixed experience. I was there during the coup and worked in the compound the protesters bombed a few times. They burned down the mall down the street from my apartment. And I heard the airport got shut down by insurgents the week after I left. But any time we went outside of the city it was wonderful. I made some good friends and the food and countryside are awesome.