The BEST Lemon Bars EVER


Intro: The BEST Lemon Bars EVER

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I've always loved Lemon Bars but this recipe certainly tops any I've ever tried! I love how they're not thin but instead are the height of other dessert bars I've made in the past. I also love that they use fresh lemons! They're not too sweet but not too tart- the perfect lemon dessert for Spring!

The recipe below fills a 9x13 pan and serves a lot. One small square is a perfect serving. I'd say a pan can feed a crowd of 20+ people. If you'd like, halve the recipe and make it in an 8x8 square glass pan. Or make the 9x13 and freeze the leftovers- they freeze beautifully!

STEP 1: Ingredients


  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 2 cups all-purpose flour


  • 2/3 cup fresh lemon juice {uses about 3-4 small/ medium lemons}
  • 3 TBSP lemon zest
  • 1/3 cup + 2 TBSP all purpose flour
  • 6 eggs
  • 2 1/4 cup sugar

STEP 2: Mix Up the Crust

Line your 9x13 pan with foil or parchment paper. I've used both. Foil tends to stick to the bottom of the lemon bars a bit, so if I had to choose one, I'd say use parchment paper.{Note: in a couple of pictures below, I used a bakers quarter sheet. Just use a 9x13 pan. Trial and error on my part! }

Combine crust ingredients and mix well. Press into pan using the back of a spoon or your hands. Hands work well. I like to first get the crust spread evenly, then I try and push the edges of the crust up just a bit so that it holds the filling better.

STEP 3: Press Crust Into Pan and Bake

Bake crust for 20 minutes.

STEP 4: Prepare the Lemon Filling

While crust is baking, prepare ingredients for the filling.

I learned a trick to get more lemon juice out of fresh lemons- put them in the microwave for 15 seconds just prior to juicing them. I haven't done any scientific research to see if this works, but I did get more than the required 2/3 cup! Also, I find it's much easier to grate the outside of the lemon for the zest prior to juicing it!

Mix all filling ingredients with a whisk in a large bowl.

Once crust is done, allow it to cool for 10-15 minutes, preferably in front of a fan so that it cools to room temperature, or close to it.

STEP 5: Pour Filling Into Crust & Bake

Pour filling onto crust. Carefully put back into oven. Bake for about 35 minutes, watching the last 5 minutes that it doesn't brown excessively.

Remove from oven and dust top with powdered sugar.

Allow to cool a few hours before cutting. {If you don't have a few hours, then place them in the fridge after a while, to cool faster.}


I love to serve lemon bars with a few sweet raspberries or blueberries, to balance out the lemony-tartness with a more mild flavored fresh berry.


They turned out great! I just used 350 F as the temperature...

Hiya, please can you help? I have looked several times but I am a dimwit! Please can you advise a temp to cook at? Thank you ;o)

Very delicious, and very easy to make!

Yum love lemon bars I'm going to try this!

I just love lemon everything! I bet these would taste awesome with raspberries, I've never tried them together :)