The Brazilian Race Car


Intro: The Brazilian Race Car

This video I made here in my City.
[[Video(http://http://, {width:600, height:500} ) ]]


What you need:



- draw the lines , and cut .



I wanted to make it like it was a little old...
Than I painted with light gray and after I  used orange and brown spray..



AÊEEEE Curitibaaaa!=D ahwehaweh, tesão cara teu instructables!=] bom saber que tem gente que ainda curte brincadeiras masi econômicas!=D

abrasss cara!!!
hey vote to my ibles !
Something i would love to try !
Im form Brazi, and those rolimã cars are really part of any kid life. You just sit in it at the top of a really high road cliff and pray to lord to get in the bottom without any several asphalt burn or scratch.

I think that could have more written instructions in the instructable, like tips of building the parts. Placing the bearings for example: you can place the bearing in the top of the wood you gonna cut, then put some water in the bearing hole, marking the perfect radius that the wood will be cut. It helps to keep the bearing tight to the wood.
this could really use more written instructions.
Meu pai fez um pra mim uma vez, o modelo dele se pilotava deitado :)
Bom trabalho.

Vc poderia dar mais detalhes de como montar o eixo e incluir um sistema de freio, falo por experiencia, um dia fez falta no meu ehehehehe

de qualquer forma ficou bem legal.

Abracos, good luck to you as well!
i like the steering.
In Colombia, we call it "carrito de balineras" ;-)
Nice name.
Did you have one as child?
I not :D
but now I have lol
Very cool Marycandy. Your instructables continue to amaze me :D
I 'm glad ;)
Did you rate it? :D
kiss , have a nice week!
why my videos don't appear on the top?