Introduction: The Creation of JARV

This is Jarv the robot!


I made Jarv on a website called Tinkercad an online 3D modeling program

Step 1: Toes

for the toes i used a half foot piece and cut it to the way i like.

Step 2: Foot

for the foot i used a cylinder piece and cut it in half.

Step 3: Heel/leg

for the heel of the foot i used a roof piece. and for the leg i used a paraboloid piece and stretched it out.

Step 4: Hip

for the hip i used a dice piece and shaped it the way i wanted.

Step 5: Belly

for the belly i used a sphere and shaped it the way i wanted.

Step 6: Belly/chest

i also added a polygon piece inside the belly to make it longer.

Step 7: Neck

the neck is a sphere with the steps turned down.

Step 8: Head

the head is a box the the edges rounded.

Step 9: Face

for the face features i used blockhead piece and cut it to where it only had the front of the face showing.

Step 10: Arm/machine Gun

for the arm/gun on the left i used cylinders for both pieces.

Step 11: Arm/flamethrower

for the arm/flamethrower on the right i used storm cloud piece and cut it to just one lightning bolt and attached it to the cylinder on the right.

Step 12: Finished Product

this is the final piece. took me about of week of class time to get this finished and posted, very fun to make and plan on doing more.

Robots Contest

Participated in the
Robots Contest