Introduction: The Downgraded Version of a Clock

This tutorial is a step by step procedure to create a downgraded version of a clock. This tutorial is explained through drawn images and a photo and video of the final piece at the end.

For this creation you will need:
-25x25 cm cotton fabric (any preferred color and print)
- 10 cm fabric
- 1 large spool of colored thread
- 8 Neopixel lights from Adafruit
- 1 Circuit Playground Express
- 1 Battery pack
- 3 batteries
- 1 Needle
- few bobby pins.

and then you can start following the steps!

Step 1: Use the 25x25 Cm Fabric As Your Base for the Clock.

Step 2: Connect the Fabric Using the Two Fabrics, to Create This.

Step 3: This Is the End Product of the Downgraded Watch! Very Cool!

Step 4: The Code