Introduction: The Golden Pickaxe House

About: I'm a Minecraft lover and I also love DIYs.

For best results, it is a better idea to use a superflat Minecraft world.

Step 1: Materials Required

Materials required for building this house:

1. Brown concrete

2. Black terracotta

3. Yellow concrete

4. Yellow terracotta

Step 2:

Using brown concrete, make a straight line of fifteen blocks as shown in the picture.

Step 3:

Make another row of brown concrete beside the first one.

Step 4:

Make a row of black terracotta beside the row of brown concrete.

Step 5:

Make another row of black terracotta beside the first one. But make sure that you do not make another row of terracotta in the bottom. if you don't understand what I mean, then take a look at the picture.

Step 6:

Follow the same steps for the other side. This is what it should look like when it is done.

Step 7:

After that, fill up the spaces between the brown concrete and the black terracotta with yellow concrete.

Step 8:

Then, fill eight blocks just ahead of the black terracotta with yellow concrete.

Step 9:

Make another row of yellow concrete ahead of the first one.

Step 10:

Then,make a row of yellow terracotta ahead of the two rows of concrete.

Step 11:

Make another row of yellow terracotta ahed of the first one. but, leave a block at the centre as shown in the picture.

Step 12:

After that, make a straight line of three brown concrete blocks.

Step 13:

Fill up the spaces between the three blocks of brown concrete with black terracotta.

Step 14:

Fill the two spaces between the two blocks of terracotta as shown in the picture.

Step 15:

Your pickaxe should look like this when it is done.

Step 16:

Make four layers of brown concrete above the first one. This step should be followed for the black and yellow terracotta and yellow concrete.

Step 17:

This is what your work should look like when it is done.

You're almost done!

Step 18:

Start breaking blocks up and down (it’s difficult to explain) as shown in the pictures. You can also make windows by breaking any block anywhere.

Step 19:

You can cover the floor with anything you like. I chose white glazed terracotta. You can also fill the walls with paintings, like I did. You can furnish your house with chests, crafting tables, anvils, beds, etc. I also made a back door beside my bed;this is optional.

The Golden Pickaxe house is done!!

Happy building :)